In Chile, a "patiperro" is someone who can't get enough of traveling and exploring new places. Falling somewhere between vagabond and globetrotter, and an adventurer at heart, a patiperro is constantly on the move, seeking out new sights, cultures, and languages. He stays in one place long enough to feel comfortable and conversant, but leaves before he can truly settle down and become attached. But instead of traveling to run away from something, a patiperro travels to learn more about himself, his native country, and the world at large, fully intending to apply the lessons he's learned on the road when he returns home to settle down.

This is a blog about my expat life in Barcelona, Spain. I'm here during the fall of 2008, ostensibly to study Catalan language at the University of Barcelona, but really to live independently outside my comfort zone. Expect updates about local life, learning the language, Catalan idiosyncracies, and other adventures. Comments are welcome!